Monday 12 May 2014

No US troops deployed anywhere in Nigeria - Defence headquarters


I said it and it has been confirmed. The Defence Headquarters
has said that there are no US troops deployed anywhere in Nigeria, and
there has been no arrest or
operation by any foreign military or security troops in the ongoing
efforts to rescue the abducted girls, as its being reported online.

The spokesperson for the Defence Headquarters, Major Gen. Chris Olukolade, released a statement yesterday clearing the rumors.

"No troop of the American Marines has so far been
deployed in any part of Nigeria as is being circulated in certain media.
International coalition is quite appropriate in handling terrorism
being a trans-border and global crime. The public will be duly briefed
on the areas of collaboration with allied forces in the mission to bring
back our girls as the need arises. There is therefore no need to
engage in misleading speculations while the mission is in progress."
He said said the pictures being circulated online were taken
from scenes in other countries and not related to Nigeria in anyway.

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